The speed and accuracy of offset printing is the result of a silk screen printing effect.
Today, by using highly technological ultraviolet varnishes offset printing is widely spread and demonstrates its productivity in different areas of publishing. Offset ultraviolet varnish is also used in advertising products. It is very necessary when you should give additional durability to the paint and protect the paint from detrition.
UV curing lacquer consists of acrylic resins and polymers, and its name comes from application technology. In the use of such varnish the main role is playing the ultraviolet radiation, due to which varnish takes the desired shape and quality. Using of UV is harmless for human`s health and environment, so the nature protective quality of this technology is also an important advantage.
Varnish not only protects the colored surface of a printed product from detrition, but also prevents from the preservation of fingertips. It is widely used in forming advertising materials by giving them an external look of the original.
There are several types of UV varnishes, the most popular of which are selective and stencil varnishes. For reaching the highest efficiency the offset UV varnish is applied under the selective layer. As a result of combining high technologies and offset printing we can have different kinds of almost perfect polygraph products.